Rosevelia, officially the Federated Kingdom of Rosevelia, is a country in Centralia founded on 5th November 1912 with a population is 75 million people. Rosevelia's known for its primarily steampunk focused culture, and having the highest population on the continent.
The origins of the Mandrivan people we know today are clouded in mystery. The earliest records of a "Mandrivan" identity traces back to the late 19th century, during the Iravetian Revolution of 1899; when a book titled "Uluridë" was published by an unknown author. The book was banned in Forsteria, but was very popular in the southern regions of Iravetia, and became the first of the "4 Pillars" of Mandrivan culture which officially kickstarted the Mandrivan National Revival of 1910. Mandrivans and Iravetians, while at odds, were mostly peacefully coexisting with one another. Following the Mandrivan Uprising of 1958, Iravetia officially recognized Mandriva's independence; with the remaining portion of Mandrivans in Iravetia becoming the Autonomous Commune of Inner Mandriva, and the founding of the Union of Mandrivans in Iravetia political party in Eclipse City.