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    Full name: The Co-operative Republic of Iravetia
    Native name: Yravetllen Tvaspháomád Mórsztlypháomád

Araudia, officially the Grand Duchy of Araudia, is a country in northwest Ezera, and shares land borders with Inpok to the northeast, and a very tiny piece of Mandriva to the south. Araudia's current population is 25 million, with 2 million of them living on the border with Inpok. Araudia's national anthem, "For their Elegance", is based on the Netherlands. Lyrics are unfinished.



The story of Iravetia's actual date is unknown, but is speculated to begin in the early 300s with nomadic tribespeople from the equator hitting the shores of one of Iravetia's many islands. It's believed that around the year 500, small city states called "Mýrvecs" were popping up all over the islands like wildfire. Slowly but surely, these city-states began to occupy the entire archipelago. Towards 1000, a city-state was established by the name of "Mýrvec Réllitych", which was mostly just the usual kingdom until 1341 when Sóvsze Rêllitych took power, who began to pull a Macedonian Empire and conquered the other islands under their banner.


The founding of the Sublime Mýrvec in early 1519 saw the revitalization of Iravetian culture and the Nish language throughout what scholars refer to as the "Nish Golden Age", where the country became a centre for mathematical and astronomical research and knowledge, comparable to the Renaissance in our world. In 1721, the first Lámirva (education center for learned elders) was founded in the Sublime Mýrvec, where hours long sermons were given for anyone to here, even Dave. Around the 1870s, due to a multitude of factors including governmental incompetance and high crime rates, rebel groups began to organize across the nation. A party known as the "Sunstone League" would eventually capture the then capital city of Lósczilásczi, then immediately declaring a state of emergency.


The end of monarchist rule in Iravetia lead to a civil war, which saw 4 major factions arise: The Republicans, who wanted something of either a Grand Republic or Union of indepdendent Iravetian States to replace the monarchy; the Federalists, who wanted a more federal government with a constitutional monarchy; The left, mostly made out of Marxists, Anarchists, and Socialists that suffered from massive infighting; and the Monarchists who- you get the idea. In 1890, the Republicans won out and declared the creation of the Iravetian Democratic Republic, which was ironic considering that it was more like a stratocracy (state ruled by the military). The state came crumbling down like a house of cards between 1899-1901 when the communists made their last stand on the now-capital city of Sovëszcna, which actually suceeeded. As the sun rose on January 1 1900, with the establishment of what's been referred to as a Dominant-party parliament, the new flag of what we refer to now as the Co-operative Republic of Iravetia was flown above the capital.